Last May, YesWeHack released a new version of the PwnMachine with many improvements over the first version. Now, we are in cruising speed and the PwnMachine is evolving little by little with the addition of patches but also of some useful features! For example, since the last version you can now export/import files from the web interface and also add a custom Docker image from a Git repository.
PwnMachine: quick update about fix and new features
September 22, 2021
What’s new ?
Download and upload files
Directly from the web interface, you can now download and upload files from any volume. This can be useful when you need to transfer a word list or a specific configuration for some of your tools for example. It can also be interesting when you want to export the data from these volumes (for a bakup) and reuse them later if necessary.
Import your own git repository
In the first version, it was not possible to choose your own docker file. This is now possible! You can now import an image directly from a git repository containing a Dockerfile or from a tarball, simply by specifying the repository URL.
We also made a lot of improvements and bug fixes on the kernel and on the client side validation part to avoid errors during configuration.
Be sure to check out the documentation and our blog post to learn how to setup your self-hosted XSS Hunter with the PwnMachine.