Two years ago, we have released the first version of our Burp Suite extension called “YesWeBurp”. As you probably know (or not) this extension developed in Python is dedicated to use it with our platform and is useful to fetch all programs (public & private), rules, scope, user-agent and more. This extension was nice but because we’ve launched a new series called “HowTo” on how to write a Burp Suite extension in Kotlin, we’ve also decided to completely redevelop YesWeBurp.
The previous version of YesWeBurp was developed in Python. It’s a great language, but not really optimized to write a perfect Burp add-on. By using Kotlin, it’s like using a “native” language to works with Burp Suite and allows us to interact and use the full power of the tool.
TL;DR: This new version of our extension is harder, better, faster than the previous (really!).
How to use it?
On the Options tab you can set your credentials. If OTP is activated on your account (and it is strongly recommended), you can enter your OTP, and click on Fetch programs. Once you are logged in, the programs remain visible until Burp is closed.
You can also check the box “Remember password“.