Resilience through community: Looking forward to 2021

January 28, 2021

A year for resilience, 2020 has also been a year for the community. As an organisation, YesWeHack has demonstrated once again its remarkable agility. As a community, YesWeHack continued to grow bigger and stronger.

Despite the challenges, we are proud to have seized many opportunities. 2020 ended with 20,000 ethical hackers hailing from all over the world. And 2021 starts with ever more organisations trusting our community. Startups, SMEs, multinationals across all industries trust YesWeHack to help their business grow safely. Crowdsourced security has so become the new cybersecurity standard.

The technology we build enables the community to instil the atmosphere of trust our customers seek. That ability to adapt quickly brings unrivalled value to all parties involved; Bug Bounty has entered the agile software development lifecycle. Vulnerabilities surface and are fixed faster; deliveries are more fluid. As organisations embrace digital transformation, crowdsourced security is the most capable of ensuring such hybrid environments’ security.

Our community is our raison d’être. Through the conversations we have with both ethical hackers and customers, we also learn how trust meets excellence. Programs get the high-quality management they deserve, transforming security into a real business enabler. As organisations and ethical hackers cosy up collaborating, a significant number of bugs are surfaced as valid vulnerabilities. With a lively 2021 ahead, digital resilience is here to stay.

Withstanding new challenges together

Building an ever more robust community and technology to support our customers’ growth remains our priority. We embrace technological evolution with all its wits—evermore interconnected systems and an increasingly digitally-enhanced supply chain challenge every organisation. No matter the industry, the attack surface grows knotty.

For the most part, the top vulnerability types had stayed consistent over the years. Yet, 2020 has brought a sweeping digital transformation. With it, a steadily growing trend towards vulnerabilities originating from implementation or design flaws. That trend will only intensify as development frameworks are continuously hardened.

Romain Lecoeuvre, CTO

With the YesWeHack community’s support, the addition of innovative yet inescapably complex tools does not become an uphill security battle. Yes, Internet-exposed services will always be there. Yes, cyber-attacks are becoming more pervasive amid a growing attack surface. Our technology gives our customers the power to drive the business pace and harmony in today’s DevSecOps environments. Whatever the technical challenge, ethical hackers will hold off the threats.

Looking forward, moving upward

Reflecting on what is to come in 2021 also lands us on our values. Technology pervades every part of our lives. Security does not exist in a vacuum. As we tango with new and subtle threats, maintaining trust and transparency in the technology is paramount. A resilient and robust community that walks the talk guarantees that democratic values prevail.

Vulnerability non-proliferation remains at the centre of the values that make YesWeHack what it is today: a team and a community committed to safer cyberspace for all. In 2021, it is ever more important to collaborate with ethical hackers and policy-makers to continue promoting socially-conscious security practices.

Ethical hackers play a central role in the future we build. Governments need to rely on them more, to ensure the security and integrity of public services and fundamental democratic processes alike. To match the massive use of connected devices, the massive adoption of vulnerability disclosure policies must follow.

2020 has been a year for the books. In 2021, we will continue building–robust community, robust technology and robust policies.

Guillaume Vassault-Houlière, CEO